Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Big day... again

I do my weigh-in today.  I estimate a 4 pound loss.  If I lose 4 pounds my nutritionist won't get all militant on me.  I'm rapidly becoming one of those people who holds out their old clothes and things "DAMN!"  It's a good feeling.

Monday I climbed two flights of stairs without getting winded or having a sore knee.  Okay the knee I banged up a few months ago is still in pretty bad shape, but my left knee, the uninjured one, is the one that hurts when I have to climb.

There are days I really want a deep fried double cheeseburger, but honestly, for the most part, those days are gone.  I'm surprised by how committed I've become.  I sneak in fruit from time to time, but that's because the entrees taste like cat food.

No.  I do not know what cat food tastes like, but it smells like cat food.  I told my nutritionist that they tasted like sadness and she seemed a bit offended.  I didn't push it by making the cat food reference.

Because the classes have started over, I want to tease her.  I know it's wrong because she's good at what she does but what's wrong with suggesting the class add butter or MSG to their shakes?  I am fairly certain Maribel would climb over the table and strangle me at that point.  "I bet you think your funny bitch!!!"  Who me?...

I was cleaning out my picture file and found a few more LOL gems.
The name of this one is "Bromance"

That guy has to be like 60.

Look at it for a while.  It will make your WTF senses scream.

Who hasn't had this day?

I don't even like Star Wars.  I am a Star Trek fan, unless we're talking about Twilight.  Then I'm a Star Wars fan.  Followers of George Takai will understand.

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