Thursday, October 27, 2011

Boo Boo Head

I was in a meeting with a senior analyst yesterday and she was explaining to us how we are to handle/host meetings.  She gave some excellent pointers like including the path to all documents on the bottom of every email we send or making sure to follow up to all questions and correspondence.

We were using gotomypc to access my computer because I have special software we're using for documentation.  I got a system generated email about a successful ftp.  She suggested I close my email because inappropriate content for the meeting may come up.  So, I closed my email.  I reserve my work email specifically for work purposes but it's no one else's business if my boss wants me to see him when I get back from my meeting.  Especially if it was to discuss a complaint he received about my unprofessional behavior.

While we were talking I got an IM from a former coworker and good friend of mine.  "Hi".

My senior analyst said, "Everyone say HIII."

Then my friend says, "Are you there my little boo boo head?"

There was a collective, "Boo boo head?"

I IM'd back, "I'm in a meeting.  Yes, everyone just saw you call me a boo boo head."

I then shut down my IM program and sat through the rest of the meeting being called boo boo head.

I got a text almost immediately, "ROFL!"  I know she was howling openly and may have needed to explain herself, but she got a tear rendering guffaw out of it.  I got a facepalm and a flush.

I talked to another friend and he said, "At least it wasn't 'what's up f***nuts?' like mine."

True.  That's much worse.  I'll survive but everyone in that room will call me boo boo head for the remainder of my career.

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