Monday, September 30, 2013

Giving up... ?

I made some sort of comment on a political thing that I read and was told by a lady I used to work with that I was filled with hate.  That burns.  I like to think I'm rather loving and gentle and accepting of humans in general.  I thought my response deserved a bit more attention than just those who bother to read comments on Facebook.  Here was my response:

I don’t hate Republicans. I align myself with Liberals because I believe everyone deserves healthcare, no child should ever be hungry, regardless of the source of the hunger, all children deserve a competitive, free education and there’s nothing wrong with homosexuality.  I also think the abortion argument is flawed for exactly ONE reason. If the government doesn't want women to have abortions, they why isn't birth control free?  I’ll be pro-life when I see all forms of birth control cheap and easy to access.  I see little logic in their arguments, mostly because it’s either based on a book written 2000 years ago or the predatory language of the Koch brothers.  Moderates have lost their voices and either been swallowed into the Tea Party fray, removed from office for the likes of Ted Cruz or become unheard independents.
I hate what the Republican Party has become.  It pains me to see a relatively small minority have such a loud voice and powerful position in our legislative body.

Everyone I know is angry and scared about this.  We don't all agree on the politics but we all know the consequences of a government shut down. I read on Bill Moyer's website an article where if we want to win we have to sacrifice everything.  It's a good article, TLDR: They win, we lose.

I fear at some point we, the liberals, will be seated with our heads in our hands, just having acquiesced because we can no longer match their zealous insanity with logic.  You can't tell someone who won't listen why their logic has no basis in reality.  It's simply easier to wave it off, say "fuck it" and move to Colorado where it's legal to smoke pot and have your give-a-shit dismantled.  At least in Colorado they were smart enough to legalize pot, where they can regulate and tax it and build public infrastructure and educate kids... 

oh wait... just fuck it, remember?

I'm just tired of being angry all the time. I acknowledge moving to Colorado and becoming a pothead isn't the answer. As a state employee though, this stuff really does matter and we are left here to watch this grinding train wreck of a legislative body terrorize us with their insanity.  

I suppose I should acknowledge the things I cannot change.  It's that whole wisdom to know the difference that I'm lacking.  

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