Monday, March 12, 2012

Dog days of IT

We have a vendor in town trying to prove they're able to do the stuff our tax department needs.  I pulled the late shift which is fine except it's not.  I thought I would wake up early and handle business, but I don't.  I come home and sleep and get up and go to work and while I'm conscious at home I listen to the other residents whine because they never see me and they miss me and IT'S TEMPORARY!
I do miss my dogs.  They are stupid little creatures that shit on my carpet but I love them.  I think I've figured out a problem.  I think it can be solved with a remote control car.  I want to put some meat or a treat in it and make them chase it and tire their sorry little asses out.  And then we can have love without medication that costs $100 a month.
Lucas caught a possum on Saturday.  He was going to bring it in and I screamed like a little girl.  The last thing I want in my house is a rodent.  I totally freaked out.  "OHMYGODHE'SBRINGINGITINSIDE!" was my exact term.  Then I left my boyfriend to figure it out by running into the bedroom, flapping my arms like a chicken.
Notably they were tickled pink for the rest of the day, except when they went to lick me.  "I know what you've done with that mouth!"  I don't like it when they lick me anyway, but for real they had a rodent in their mouths.
Yes.  The possum survived.  As soon as Lucas dropped it and was safely inside, it ran off.  It probably found it's mom and sibs and told the tale of being literally trapped in the jaws of a predator!  Which is accurate but Lu isn't that bad.

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