Monday, May 20, 2013

Indie Cred

Indie Cred is what my boyfriend refers to as the stuff that makes us cool.  We like independent entertainment.  We like to watch the movies at the arthouse theater.  We don't need to pay $100 for tickets to a concert when there is someone far more talented playing on East 6th street for $5 or free at Central Market.  We are open minded and therefore we have a high level of Indie Cred.

So I have to confess... For some reason I got the wild hair to watch the Twilight Saga.  There are spoilers.  If you still respect me enough to continue reading this you should know I have written the crux of the plot in the next paragraph.

For those of you who haven't read the books, it is about a vacant, nondescript teenage girl who has two beautiful and almost perfect men fall in love with her.  She has to choose between the beautiful and perfect Edward and the hulking hot-blooded man-flesh, Jacob.  She chooses Edward.

It took Stephanie Meyer 2,000 pages to tell the story.  Sure other stuff happens, but it's all centered around an awkward girl coming into her own with a vampire.

The reasons why this series of books sucks are:

1. It is written for teenage girls who want to feel like the main character.  I mean what girl doesn't want the choice of two incredibly hot men?  She claims to be tortured by it... NO.

2. It was written with Mormon values.  No one has sex before they're married.  In real life, she'd be doing both of them and asking for forgiveness if she got caught.  We were all in high school once and sure there were a few who hadn't had sex but by our senior year, those who could were fucking whenever they could regardless of the appropriateness.

3. This woman stretched out this stupidity for 4 books and made millions and millions of dollars.  I have to admit I actually read the books and paid for them.  I only realized with her 5th book, The Host, what a truly terrible writer she is.

So, having read the books and knowing how terrible the stories are I was compelled to watch all five movies.  I sat through them face-in-palm for a good bit of the time.  There wasn't even any guilty pleasure.  It was all bad.

When I confessed to my boyfriend I started with, "And you'll probably break up with me for this..."  He got alarmed because there I was in front of him and my best friend about to make a break-up worthy confession.  "I watched all 5 Twilight Saga movies."

As he sighed in relief my best friend announced she was going to break up with me.

So last night I started watching a Swedish murder mystery series I was into a few years ago.  There is one with subtitles and one done by the BBC that has a bit more glamour.  I told my boyfriend and he said it was Indie Cred First Aid.  I had to repair it.  So I'm prepared to watch Midnight's Children.  It's based on the book by Salman Rushdie.  It won the best Booker award of all time.  I even have the book but I think I can repair it with the movie.  If I don't feel cleansed I will find something else to purify my independent spirit.